How to Collect Signatures
Ready to start taking quantifiable action in the effort to recall Doug Ducey? Start here!
Thanks for taking the time to gather signatures to recall Doug Ducey. Below are resources that should help with any question you have. Ctrl-F to search is very helpful! Please read through the Things to Know and use the button at the bottom of the page to register for a location. The FAQ may also help answer any further questions.
Things to Know:
There are many rules and regulations (and hoops to jump through) to make sure the signatures we collect are valid. Please read through the following instructions carefully and revisit them as often as you need.
If you have further questions, send an email to volunteer@accountablearizona.org
How do I get a petition?
1. Option 1: Come to a signing-location and get a petition from a volunteer. This is a great way to make sure we get your signature, and to ask any questions you might have.
2. Option 2: We can send you a pdf that you can print on your own. We have specific instructions on how it should be printed. On the next slide.
3. Option 3: If you would like to be a petition distributor, we can mail you some. Please email for details.
How to Print Petitions
Use legal paper (8.5 x 14 inch)
Print landscape, double-sided, flip on short edge (so it reads like a book, not like a calendar)
Use a resolution of 600 DPI (dots per inch)
I have a petition, now what do I do?
Check out the video below for visual aids on petition prep and table set up.
1. The petition has two sides. The front side is the “Petition” and the back side is the “Affidavit”
2. Check the “VOLUNTEER” box that is located on the top right corner of the petition.
3. Write the name of the county that you are collecting signatures from. If you have signers from a different county than the one you are in, they should fill out a petition that has the name of their county.
4. Leave the Affidavit blank. You will fill this out in front of a notary.
Petition Instructions
1. To collect signatures, you must be an Arizona registered voter.
2. Signers need to be registered to vote in Arizona
3. Only blue and black pen can be used on the petitions.
4. Signatures should match the signer’s voter registration
5. Signatures and information should stay inside the box, see below
a. If someone’s signature or information accidentally crosses into the line below, skip the line below just to be safe.
b. If someone makes a mistake, just cross out the line with a single pen stroke and have them start on the next line down.
6. Signers should sign on petitions that correspond to the Arizona county in which they are registered to vote.
7. If you are collecting signatures, please DON’T sign the same petition that you are collecting from. Just in case, we will collect your signature on someone else’s petition (this can happen when you pick up or drop off your petition).
My petition is full, now what do I do?
1. Option 1: Have the petition notarized and then mail it to: Accountable Arizona, 1934 E Camelback Rd, Ste 120 #498, Phoenix, AZ 85016
2. Option 2: Meet-up with a volunteer to notarize and drop off the petition. These meet-ups are informal, but we will let you know when they are scheduled.
Do I need to register with the state to gather signatures?
You must be registered to vote in AZ to both collect signatures and sign the petition. You can collect signatures across multiple counties, as long as the county name is specified on the petition sheet.
What can I and can’t I say when asking for signatures?
Do not voice support for any potential candidates that could run, do not make any effort to voice a partisan option other than recalling Ducey. If they mention that they hated lockdowns and covid is a hoax, let them. Stand your distance, staying safe is priority. We want signatures, not a debate.
Do I have to wear a mask?
Yes. For the safety of all of our volunteers and signers, we ask that everyone mask up and comply with CDC regulations and remain socially distanced when possible.
How can I keep myself and others safe when asking for signatures?
Bring hand sanitizer, wipes, spare pens, and a clipboard that can be easily disinfected. Most importantly, stay in touch with the team and try not to go out alone on collections. Call 911, leave or notify us if you do not feel safe, depending on the severity of the situation.
What if someone signs twice?
The signatures will be verified by the state once they are submitted. We know mistakes and duplicates will happen, which is why we are determined to gather much more than the necessary goal to account for those signatures that might be thrown out.
What makes a signature valid?
The signature has to appear just like it does on your voter registration. The signatures will go through the same verification process as it does when you vote in an election. If the signatures are too large and leave the confines of that box, it will be thrown out. Please remind people that their signatures and information NEED TO BE INSIDE OF THE BOX.
What should I watch out for when people are signing?
Make sure their information stays within the lines. If they start to stray, cross out that line, skip to the next open space and start again.
Does ink color or pencil matter?
Yes. Pens and black or blue ink only!
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